On June 6-8, 2016, graduate students Jian Chen and Changqing Liu of Planetary Science Group participated in the "Summer School for Planetary Science and Exploration in East Asia" held in Wuhan as formal students. They studied lessons given by Professor James W. Head III from Brown University, USA, Professor Clive R. Neal from University of Notre Dame, USA and Professor Jianyang Li from Planetary Science Institute, USA and obtained certificate signed by tripartite scientists from China, Japan and South Korea. During the summer school, they discussed the future lunar exploration landing sites with other graduate students from China, Japan, South Korea and other countries in different groups and laid a good foundation for regional and international cooperation in planetary science explorations and researches in the future.

Later, another member Dr. Bo Li and they participate in the 3rd “International Symposium on Lunar and Planetary Science, ISLPS 2016” held on June 9-10 and submitted three abstracts, which cover our recent results on lunar morphology and structure, remote sensing of petrology and mineralogy, and geological interpretations. In the morning of June 9, Dr. Li gave an oral report titled "Displacement-Length Relationship and Amount of Strain for Lunar Wrinkle Ridges in Mare Serenitatis and Tranquillitatis", and introduced Mare tectonism with different ages. During the poster session on June 9 and 10, Jian Chen introduced remote sensing mineralogical and chemical interpretations of volcanic deposits within Apollo basin, and Changqing Liu introduced the mineral distribution of Aristarchus crater. They gained abundant top information and accumulated valuable experience for future researches by communicating with international colleagues.

Symposium Link: http://www.must.edu.mo/ISLPS2016/