Course Code:28333021
Instructors: Zongcheng Ling
Course credit:3
Intended Audience:Undergraduate Students
Is there an experimental class:no
[1] David Morrison, Tobias Owen, The Planetary System, Benjamin Cummings, 2002, Edition 3. [2] Li Xiaojuan et al., ENVI for Remote Sensing Image Processing, China Environmental Science Press, 2007, Edition 1. [3] Charles Elachi and Jakob Van Zyl, Introduction To The Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing, John Wiley&Sons,2006,Edtion 2. [4] Ouyang Ziyuan,Introduction to lunar science,China Astronautic Publishing House,2005,Edition 1.
Course Prerequisites: Advanced Mathematics
Course Description:
“Planetary Materials” is a part of the project “Foreign high-quality Curriculum System introductions”, that will form a unique course system for the educations of planetary science in China previously introduced from Washington University. Overall, as the fruit of deepen cooperation in planetary science between Wash U and SDU.This course will introduce students to the solar system with emphasis on Lunar and Mars geosciences, including basic concepts of geology, mineralogy, and geological processes on planets. Students will learn to search for and download planetary data from the NASA Planetary Data System and the ESA Planetary Science Archive. Basic image processing techniques will be taught, including the use of ENVI software.Laboratory practice will provide instruction on use of image processing tools with planetary data (for example, producing maps with important planetary surface features using the internationally accepted lunar coordinate system).Course Examination:Students’ Final Scores = Scores of Ordinary Tests * 30% + Scores of the Final Exam * 70%;Scores of ordinary tests vary according to students’ performance in class and homework, as well as completion of a project that uses planetary data. The final exam. will be an close-book exam
“Planetary Materials” is a part of the project “Foreign high-quality Curriculum System introductions”, that will form a unique course system for the educations of planetary science in China previously introduced from Washington University. Overall, as the fruit of deepen cooperation in planetary science between Wash U and SDU.This course will introduce students to the solar system with emphasis on Lunar and Mars geosciences, including basic concepts of geology, mineralogy, and geological processes on planets. Students will learn to search for and download planetary data from the NASA Planetary Data System and the ESA Planetary Science Archive. Basic image processing techniques will be taught, including the use of ENVI software.Laboratory practice will provide instruction on use of image processing tools with planetary data (for example, producing maps with important planetary surface features using the internationally accepted lunar coordinate system).Course Examination:
Students’ Final Scores = Scores of Ordinary Tests * 30% + Scores of the Final Exam * 70%;Scores of ordinary tests vary according to students’ performance in class and homework, as well as completion of a project that uses planetary data. The final exam. will be an close-book exam