Personal profile:
Jian Chen, Ph. D. Major in Planetary Science, Institute of Space Sciences, Shandong University, Weihai, China.
May, 2011 – Apr, 2013, I began my scientific research from Student Research Training Program of China, in which our team use photometry and spectroscopy of extrasolar planets to determine their physical and orbital parameters then discuss the formation and dynamical evolution of planetary systems.
I joined Planetary Science Group in Nov, 2013 and worked on remote sensing and geological investigations of lunar materials (chemistry, mineralogy and petrology), with the datasets from gamma-ray and X-ray spectroscopic payloads onboard Chang’e series missions, to understand surface processes such as impact history and magmatic evolution.
Besides, I’m also involved in Chinese digital geologic mapping and rock type mapping program of the Moon utilizing data from Chang’e series, M3, Kaguya and LRO missions, etc. These recent missions have greatly improved our recognitions of the Moon and should certainly revolutionize lunar geologic maps which have been changeless for almost 30 years since Apollo era.
My current research interests are planetary geochemical (e.g., Th, K, U, Fe, Al, Ca, Si, Ti, Mg) remote sensing spectroscopy, planetary samples/meteorites/analogs and landing site studies, etc.
Address (room number):Room 412 (S)
Professional Title:PostDoc
Working and Education:
B. S., 2010/9 - 2014/7, Shandong University, Weihai, China, Major: Space Science (Astronomy);
Master graduate student, 2014/9 - 2016/7, Shandong University, Weihai, China, Major: Planetary Spectroscopy;
Ph. D. 2016/9 – 2020/6, Shandong University, Weihai, China, Major: Planetary Science
Reward received:
2016, COSPAR Outstanding Paper Award for Young Scientists
Journal Papers:
1. Chen, J., et al. "Petrogenesis and shock metamorphism of basaltic lunar meteorites Northwest Africa 4734 and 10597." Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124.10 (2019): 2583-2598.
2. Chen, J., et al. "Mineralogy of Chang’e-4 landing site: preliminary results of visible and near-infrared imaging spectrometer." Science China Information Sciences 63. (2020): 1-140903.
3. Cao H., Chen J., Fu X., et al. Raman and infrared spectroscopic perspectives of lunar meteorite Northwest Africa 4884[J]. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2019.
4. Chen, J., et al. Compositions and possible sources of lunar meteorite NWA 4884. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition 91.s1 (2017): 269-270.
5. Chen J, Ling Z C, Li B, et al. (2016) Abundance and Distribution of Radioelements in Lunar Terranes: Results of Chang’E-1 Gamma Ray Spectrometer Data. Advances in Space Research,57(3), 919-927, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2015.11.018.
Conference Abstracts:
2). Chen J, Ling Z C, Li B, et al. (2016) Spectral perspectives of various volcanic deposits encompassing Apollo basin. International Symposiumon Lunar and Planetary Science, 3: 75-76.
1). Chen J, Ling Z C, Li B, et al. (2016) Lunar Global Aluminum Map: Results From Chang’e-2 Gamma Ray Spectrometer. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47: 3022.