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Teaching Courses
  International Planetary Courses
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Since  2008, we have introduced three  planetary courses (i.e., Introductory  Planetary Science, Planetary Remote Sensing and Spectroscopy, and  Planetary Materials ) from Washington University in St. Louis. Prof. Ray  Arvidson have contributed   a lot for those three coures in the course contents design, teaching  and coordinations. They also help to invite some other famous planetary  scientists from Washington University and other US institutions, who are  :
    Dr. Edward A. Guinness, Dr. Thomas C. Stein, Dr. Kimberly A. Lichtenberg from Washington University;
    Prof. Peter Englert and Prof. Jeffrey J. Gillis-Davis from University of Hawaii;
    Prof. Lin Li from Indiana University- Purdue University; 
    Dr. Yang Liu from California Institute of Technology (Caltec);
    Dr. Kun Wang from Havard University;
    Prof. Mikhail Zolotov from Arizona State University.
    Here we declare our great thanks and appreciation to all their  contributions for the set-up of those three planetary courses. Some  photos during the classes from 2008 to 2016 are shown below.

1. Planetary Planetary Geology and Mineralogy   

( Designed and organized by Prof. Raymond Arvidson from WUSTL )

In 2008: Dr. Edward A. Guinness, Dr. Thomas C. Stein, and Dr. Kimberly A. Lichtenberg.

2. Planetary Remote Sensing and Spectroscopy

In 2009: Dr. Edward A. Guinness, and Prof. Lin Li

In 2010:  Prof. Peter Englert, and Prof. Jeffrey J. Gillis-Davis


3. Planetary Materials


In 2015:  Dr. Yang Liu, Dr. Kun Wang   

In 2016:  Dr. Kun Wang, Prof. Mikhail Zolotov